He is only a film old and still makes my heart skip a beat. Its beauty has paved the way for him to the championship heroes chocolaty like Aamir, Saif Ali Khan and Imraan Khan.Although his debut film MP3 has worked wonders at the box-office, is yet to become famous overnight with the beautiful track from the movie called Pehla Pehla Pyaar Hai Ye. If you are still wondering who we are talking, and then allows you to break the suspense. He is not only Ruslaan Mumtaz and is all together this time with Tere Sang to make the public sit and witness the tremendous talent is blessed with.Teree Sang also stars newcomer Sheena Shahabadi, Rajat Kapoor, Neena Gupta, Sushmita Mukherjee and last but not least, director and actor Satis! h Kaushik.Ruslaan of the film in this interview shares his experience in the field and so far speaks excitedly of his next film Tere SangYou are only a film old and the second is about to liberation, but cosà ¬ rae already popular among viewers. How is a form of life after the movie Touch-wood (laughs), I think that both the life and industry is very gentle. I think the allure of Indian music among the public helps a lot. MP3, though, is an ordinary love story, but music has the film and I recognized among audience.However, Tere Sang, by contrast, is character-driven. I am sure the public recognizes the effort put in me and Sheena newcomer in this movie. Overall, I thank my stars for a good level and I hope to live up to expectations of an e all.Unlike you, the new girl Sheena began his innings on a very serious act. In an interview, she recalled how his leadership during the shooting Oh! Help I think driving is too strong a word to use here. Sheena is a talented actor, how! ever, dÃ-up very easily. In fact, Sheena is accused of not bei! ng, Why was before the legend himself Mr Satish Kaushik. Unlike me, who have the opportunity to experiment with a young director, in my debut venture.I give my input, and do many times until I was not convinced. But here, the final state is taken into directors hand and that no one could question. However, I tried to push Sheena and myself to give our best in every possible scene.How not understand your character in this story of love kidult Well, play a crucial and delicate role in Tere Sang. I (Kukko) are a person who is responsible for the pregnancy of Maahi, played by Sheena. Like all start pointing out fingers on Sheena for committing a big mistake, I realize that they are equally responsible and decide to stay in Maahi.What would be your reaction if something like this would happen to you in real life Have you seen a real thing Honestly, I would have definitely taken a position to support the girl rather than abandon her. See, at the age of 15 years, one is too immature to und! erstand the rules of society and is ignorant about the consequences of sex. The scenario is changed now, but if you see Sheena S case, his character in the film is someone who is neglected by his family.Thus, it happens to fall for a guy at an early age, and finally have sex for error. So, in order to avoid such situations, a child must be well cared for by parents. I could not have lived through something exactly like this, but as a teenager, I too have made mistakes, such as drinking and driving without licence.And today, I realize how much more stupid that I was lucky I did not T fall into a big mess. However, my parents were very strict supportive.You still today S ¹ youth. What S take your last release on homosexuality and live in relationships Well, with due respect for homosexuality, I have taken on. The reason why I haven T given a serious thought is, nà © me (laughs), nà © any of my friends who belong to the extent that category.As goes live in relationships, I hav! e many examples of life. Including my parents, who belonged to! differe nt religions and, consequently, had to spend seven years of their life in a live-in relationship, because of opposition from their respective folks.I personally think that the convenience or vulnerability a drive in a live-in relationship. As in the great city of today began a couple who live together to reduce their housing expenditure.Share with us a few memorable moments during the film Hmm ... I remember Sheena and I were preparing mentally for the love-making scene. In fact, I was chilled out about it, because it was a part of our work. However, it was Sheena very apprehensive about the whole romantic sequence.And I wondered if I was the reason for his behavior, or its size generally has a difference in mine and his thoughts. In reality, he argued for allowing me to kiss her tion, which is completely void, Why we could not deceive the public about this. He almost made it 3-4 shots of the final scene.